Academia-to-Industry Competence Incubator

Open Innovations Association FRUCT

Honorary nominations: Advisory board

N.B. Since Feb. 2022, all activities of the FRUCT Association have been on hold due to the current political situation. For this period, the role of the Advisory Board members is limited to participation in the Technical Program Committee of the FRUCT conferences.

The FRUCT advisory board is a team of experts that direct and guide FRUCT Association. The main responsibility of the Advisory Board members is to form Technical Program Committee of FRUCT conferences. The board consists of recognized experts in the field that at least have PhD (for people from academia) or 10 international publications and 2 patents (for industrial experts). The conference review procedure is organized at EasyChair tool using single-blind principle.

Also the advisory board provides technical comments and recommendations about quality and relevance of the FRUCT projects, help to identify the new cooperation niches and assist student teams to solve the most difficult questions, which are outside of scope of the main competences of the project supervisor and tutor. Management of the FRUCT activities performed by the Executive team.

Members of the Advisory board

Name Title/Position Affiliation Areas of competences
Yevgeni Koucheryavy (Chair) Dr/Professor Tampere University Wireless networking for moving objects, network architectures, services, content distribution, future internet
Nazim Agoulmine Dr/Prof/MsC/SM IEEE University of Evry Val d’Essonne Ubiquitous e-Health, Networking, Service Management, Context Awareness
Alexey Dudkov Dr NRPL Group Telecommunications, CDMA, Primary and Secondary Air Surveillance, Radar Technology
Jan-Erik Ekberg Dr/Director of Advanced Development Huawei Finland Security, Linux kernel
Michel Gillet Senior Architect Nokia Finland Embedded Networks, SDL, SystemC simulations, Protocol architectures
Andrei Gurtov Dr/Professor Linkoping University Network Security, Wireless Internet, Medical ICT
Timo Hamelainen Dr/Professor University of Jyvaskyla Networking security and anomaly analysis, Internet of Things, Software Defined Networks, Mobile broadband communication technologies and services
Alexey Kashevnik Dr/Senior Reseacher Expert Smart Spaces, IoT
Yrvin Knut Project Manager Skolelinux Drift User Participatory Design, System Development, Free Software and Open Source Communities
Dmitry Korzun Dr/Adjunct Professor Expert Distributed systems, P2P networks, Internet applications, modeling, smart spaces, algorithms, software engineering
Vadim Kramar Researcher Oulu University of Applied Sciences Smart Living, Ambient Assisted Living, Ubiquitous Computing, Internet of Things, Semantic Web, Cloud Computing; mobile, web and domestic technologies, services and applications
Kirill Krinkin Dr/Department chair Expert IP Networks, Routing Algorithms, Mesh Networks, Storage Technologies, Qt, Software Engineering
Oleg Medvedev Professor Expert Cardiology, pharmacology, human physiology, m-Health, IT in Medicine
Dmitri Moltchanov Senior Researcher Tampere University Teletraffic, wireless networks, P2P networks
Valtteri Niemi Dr/Professor University of Turku Network Technologies, Security
Jarkko Paavola Dr/Lecturer Turku University of Applied Sciences Wireless communications, networking, information security
Michele Pagano Dr/Associate Professor University of Pisa Network performance evaluation, QoS architectures, Intrusion Detection
Ilya Paramonov Dr/Associate Professor Expert Computer Linguistics, Software Development, Mobile Technologies and Services
Kiran Kumari Patil Dr/Director University Industry Interaction Center, REVA University eHealth, Communications
Joel J.P.C. Rodrigues Dr/Professor Instituto de Telecomunications, University of Beira Interior Mobile Healthcare
Luca Roffia Dr/Assistant Professor University of Bologna Semantic Web, Linked Data, IoT, Information Interoperability, Smart Spaces
Roberto Saracco Dr/Director Telecom Italia Future Centre Telecom Italia, Italy IEEE ComSoc Network architectures, Economics of Telecommunications, Services, Autonomic Systems, Complex Systems, Ecosystems
Alexander Semenov Dr/Postdoctoral researcher University of Florida Social Network Analysis, Big Data, Web Crawling
Anton Shabaev Dr Expert Control systems
Charalabos Skianis Dr/Lab Director University of the Aegean Novel Internet Architectures and Services, Cloud Computing & Networking, Energy & Context aware Next Generation Networks and Services, mobile and wireless networks
Alexander Smirnov Dr/Professor Expert Ontology Management, Context Management, Operational Decision Making, Smart Space, Dynamic Logistics, Flexible Supply Networks, Virtual Organizations
Olav Tirkkonen Dr/Professor Aalto University Wireless communication
Timofey Turenko Dr/Research Engineer MariaDB MeeGo/Maemo, control theory, micro-controllers, embedded systems, real-time systems, software quality
Weider Yu Dr/Associate Professor San Jose State University, IEEE ComSoc u-Healthcare in security and privacy, mobile & wireless eHealth, Electronic Health Record (EHR), experimental software engineering, wireless mobile and web based systems, performance related QoS, modern software processes, SOA engineering
Liang Zhou Dr/Professor Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications, IEEE ComSoc Internet of Things, Multimedia Communications, Wireless Networks